Author : Thea (
Pairing : Yunho x Changmin
Genre : PG, kind-of-crackish.
Disclaimer : I own nothing. Plot and story belongs to Thea (
The exact minute Yunho realized that he fell in love with Changmin was when-
Love was for fools, sentimental, romantic, sappy fools. Not that Yunho would know anything about love. He had come close with strong infatuations and made close friendships. Anything more that was strictly out of limits and completely inappropriate.
Sometimes people didn’t know those limits and asked him out on a date. Or a phone number. Or stood outside his apartment and sang him mushy crap until the landlord went ballistic with all the crazy decibels and threatened to evict them. Heck, it had all made him wonder how people made utter fools of themselves when they fell in love, willing to just throw all caution and dignity aside for someone who probably wouldn’t return anything substantial for such cheap displays of emotion.
Changmin had been a real puzzle from the get-go. Not that Yunho was attracted to him or anything. He certainly didn’t care if his dongsaeng didn’t make puppy eyes at him the first time they met. Or kissed a random date quite voraciously on the sidewalk, uncaring of scandalized passers-by or in this case, a stunned Yunho. He most definitely didn’t care if Changmin glared at him, cursed him in rather foul language when he’d tried to scold him for his rare moment of recklessness. (Not that Changmin didn’t look hot while kissing that girl or it made him jeal-)
Yunho most certainly didn’t care if those eyes looked so godamn beautiful when spitting fury and rage, frightening in their intensity, directed at him. (and made him instantly hard, the boy looks so fucking hot when pissed).
He didn’t care and was most certainly not in love with a certain fiery, passionate, quiet dongsaeng with pretty eyes and long, long legs. (He’s seen those legs naked, not that he was spying on him while changing from shower or anything. Just wondering how those legs would look wrapped around his waist while rid-)
The knowing smirk almost always firmly placed on those chapped lips whenever he looked at Yunho didn’t unnerve him either. (Who dares to say that the maknae makes Leadershii weak in the knees?)
He did not love Changmin, damnit. Was definitely not attracted to him, did not want to fuck his brains out and really didn’t give a flying fuck if he went on dates with random hook ups.
See if he cares. Ha.
-he missed several dance steps all at once because Changmin had worn tight, black jeans for practice and he couldn’t stop staring.

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