When I got tired of my exam, I found this...
Title : Day Off
Author :
siniagirl ( http://siniagirl.livejournal.com/636.html )
Rating : Pg-13 (For Now)
Pairing: HoMin , Yoosu
Disclaimer : I don't own anything. It's belongs to
siniagirl ( http://siniagirl.livejournal.com/636.html )
Summary : The Dbsk boys finally get a day off and Yunho and Changmin are determined to spend the whole day together.
Author :
Rating : Pg-13 (For Now)
Pairing: HoMin , Yoosu
Disclaimer : I don't own anything. It's belongs to
Summary : The Dbsk boys finally get a day off and Yunho and Changmin are determined to spend the whole day together.
Chapter 1
It was a regular Saturday morning and Changmin was sitting on the floor, munching on a bowl of cereal while watching his Saturday morning cartoons. It was the first day off they got in a while and he was gonna enjoy it and relax. Everyone else had plans too,Yoosu was out for brunch and a date, Jaejoong went to visit his family for the day and Yunho, well Changmin didn't know where he went, he wasn't there when he woke up.
Changmin sighed, they had been so busy lately he rarely got to spend any time with his lover and leader. He couldn't even remember the last time they kissed. He pouted he had planned to spend the whole day with Yunho but the man was no where to be found.
Finishing his last spoonful Min got up off the floor and headed toward the kitchen. He placed the bowl in the sink and opened the fridge looking for something else to eat. When he opened the fridge he realized that they hadn't gone shopping in a while, being to busy to even eat at home.
Deep in thought Changmin didn't notice someone enter the kitchen, well he didn't notice until a pair of warm hands landed themselves on his hips.
He squeaked and jumped up and out of the fridge.
Yunho put his head back and laughed, “Hahaha, oh Minnie have you been hanging out with Junsu too much, you sound just like him.” Yunho wiped the tears from his eyes glancing at his pouting, angry looking lover.
“Yah!” Changmin slapped Yunho's arm as the older wrapped his arms around Changmin's waist and pulled him close.
“Aww” ,Yunho pouted at being hit “It's cute though.”
Changmin huffed and placed his head on Yunho's chest nuzzling his head under the others chin. “Where did you go this morning? You weren't there when I woke up.” He questioned curiously.
Yunho kissed his hair, inhaling the sweet scent that was his lover, “They needed to see me at SM for something, nothing big.” Yunho smiled and glanced at the table, “But I did bring you back some snacks.”
Changmin's eyes lit up and he pulled himself out of Yunho's arm, but not before planting a small kiss and Yunho's lips., “Thank you!” He ran over and pulled the bag open searching though its contents.
Yunho smiled and took a sit at the kitchen table watching as Changmin ripped a bag of chips open.
“So.”,He started watching his cute little lover eat happily, “Wheres everyone else?”
“Hmmm.?”,Changmin looked up from his chips, he finished chewing and swallowed but replied, “Yoosu are on a date and Jae's gone to visit his family.” He grabbed another handful of chip and before shoving them in his mouth stated, “Its just the two of us.”
Yunho smirked at Changmin as his head began to fill with all the dirty things they could do today. God it had been so long since he touched his dear Minnie. He didn't want to spend the whole day sexing though, he knew one thing Changmin loved to do was cuddle up with him and they've rarely had the chance to do so. He was looking forward to the rest of the day because it had only hit noon time.
Changmin looked up from his snacks to see Yunho with a dazed dark look on his face. Changmin knew what face meant, it meant he was thinking something dirty.
“Yah!”, Changmin waved his hand in front of the others face to get his attention. That popped the leader out of his daze.
“What is it Min?”, Yunho questioned with a now blank look on his face.
“You were thinking something dirty.”
“What? Who says?.”
“I know that face any where, what were you thinking?”, Changmin glared at his lover, while trying to
squeeze the answer from him.
squeeze the answer from him.
Yunho chuckled, “What face? I wasn't making a face.
“Aughh. Yes you were.” Changmin pouted, “If you don't tell then you're not getting any today.”
Yunho sputtered, “What?!! Min you can't mean that.” Yunho got up out of his seat and made his way over. He kneeled on the next to Changmin's feet, and rested his head and arms on the younger's thigh
“Minn Minn.” He whined, nuzzling Min's thigh. “We haven't had time alone in so long, we can't not do something.”,He pouted.
Changmin squirmed his legs, the heat from Yunho on his legs was bothering him. And he knew that even if he said no now that he wouldn't be able to say it later. But right now Changmin was relentless.
“Tell me what you were thinking.”
“Aishh . Ok ok.” ,Yunho gave in, “ I was just thinking about all the things I was gonna do to you today.” He grinned, staring up at the now blushing Changmin.
The younger felt his cheeks heat up.'Things hes gonna do to me ? Oh my.' Changmin looked around the kitchen trying to find something to occupy his attention, something other than the handsome man resting on his legs. He looked to see that he had already finished all his snacks.'damn.' Sighing he looked down at his lover, with his cheeks still hot he asked, “W-Would you please move?”
Yunho grinned at the stutter.
“No I'm quite content here.”, He moved his hand up and stroked Changmin's thigh lightly, relishing in the slight shiver that came from Min.
“So-so ahh.” Changmin stuttered, trying to get his words out, “What do you want to do today?”
“Hmm.” ,Yunho tilted his head in thought, he didn't want to reveal his plans to soon so he was trying to think of something fun to do.
“How bout we go grocery shopping?” ,Changmin suggested gaining his speech back. “There is absolutely nothing to eat in the fridge. Besides”, Changmin blushed a light pink “We could go for a walk in the park or something.”
He really wanted to spend some with Yunho outside of the house, it wasn't like they could go on dates, not without someone stalking them or having the paparazzi after them.
He really wanted to spend some with Yunho outside of the house, it wasn't like they could go on dates, not without someone stalking them or having the paparazzi after them.
“Okay.”, Yunho beamed at him, giving his thigh one more stroke before standing up.
“Lets get ready and find ourselves some disguises.”
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