Author: Yuxi (
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: HoMin
Summary: Yunho and Changmin haven't had sex in a week. Changmin needs to study. Everyone has a breaking point.
Disclaimer : i own nothing. just want to shared what i think its good. All plot and story belongs to : Yuxi (
The sex was so good that even the neighbors had a cigarette.
It’s not like he had wanted to disturb Changmin.
Well, maybe a little.
“…Hyung,” Changmin warns as Yunho’s fingers whisper a path from the base of his neck to the tip of his tailbone, but is it really a warning if his voice catches breathily at the end?
“Just tell me to go away,” Yunho groans helplessly.
“Go away.”
Leader-ssi pauses.
“…Goddammit, I’m trying to study!” Changmin almost wails as his head tilts back reflexively to rest against Yunho’s shoulder when the older man leans forward to press gentle kisses along an outstretched neck. He can feel Yunho’s warm breath puffing onto his shoulder.
“You should study.” A muffled statement in between kisses.
“You’re making this difficult.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Hyung, go away.”
“But…” Yunho stops nibbling on Changmin’s ear. Changmin doesn’t dare to move and hopes in his heart that his Leader won’t actually go away. “…I suppose I should let you get back to studying…even if you have ignored me for a week……”
Their eyes meet and Changmin tries not to laugh at the number of ellipses he could sense at the end of that sentence. Poor Yunho. Ignored and deprived for a week—it must break some kind of law somewhere.
Sighing in a half-disappointed, half-sex crazed way, Yunho lets go of his physically younger lover in order to make an attempt at being a responsible adult. He ends up sitting directly in front of Changmin, trying to read a biology textbook upside down.
“What are you studying?”
Changmin smiles affectionately at the thoroughly puzzled older man. “Biology.”
“What kind?” The crazy caterpillars sitting above Yunho’s eyes are clashed together in a battle of confusion.
“The kind that deals with hormones.”
“You mean like how girls PMS every month?”
Changmin wants to glomp him really badly. “Um…sort of.” He says instead.
“Now why would they make you learn stuff like that?” Yunho sounds horrified.
Something in Changmin is cracking.
“It sounds so indecent!” Yunho continues.
The cracking continues.
“Now if it were up t—mmarrph!!” Yunho tries to say, but Changmin is already on top of him, kissing skin and touching smooth muscle and pulling at his apparent excess of clothing.
“Fuck, Yunho…” Changmin grinds out through a clenched jaw, all pretence of control completely out the window. “Do you even know how freaking hard it is to not touch you or kiss you or just shove you against the side of a wall for an entire week when you parade yourself in front of me like that the whole time?! Study, study, study, fuck, I think I need to study you for an hour or two right now so just shut up and enjoy it.”
All Yunho can do is whimper and moan desperately at Changmin’s less than appropriate sentences and the lack of honorific, encouraging his hands lower. Part of him is disappointed at himself for being so easy and horny, but mostly, he’s just too horny to care. One week. One whole fucking WEEK.
“One…week…” Yunho pants hotly in Changmin’s ear as he grabs a hold of Changmin’s back and spins the two of them around—leader should always be on top. Changmin’s eyes are practically black as his pupils dilate, desire evident in every corner of his face.
Hands roam Yunho’s chest restlessly and low noises escape from Changmin’s throat. “Hyung…Yunho, hurry, hurry hurry hurry!”
“Okay, okay,” the older man groans as he captures Changmin’s lips for a hot, wet, open-mouth kiss that has Changmin arching into him and wrapping miles of leg around his waist.
A whole week really isn’t a good length of time to not have sex.
Yunho half wrenches, half falls out of Changmin’s grasp in order to go look for the lube in Changmin’s desk drawer. Why the fuck doesn’t he have a vial in his back pocket!? Muttering breathy curses that could make wallpaper run, he stumbles across the room, hunched over at the tightness exploding in the front of his jeans.
At the same time, Changmin is so content with being on the floor that he just shimmies his way out of his own jeans and (D&G) boxers. “Yunho!” He moans loudly, one hand wrapping around his own cock, unable to wait for much longer. He hasn’t touched himself in a week. It was probably because he wanted to focus on studying, but now he can’t really remember the justification for that thought. Actually, he doesn’t even remember his own name that well, but that’s irrelevant—it’s Yunho’s name he screams anyway.
Yunho turns around at the sound of Changmin and almost comes in his pants at the sight of him on the floor, naked from the waist down, pumping himself erratically while moaning Yunho’s name.
Instead, he just makes a series of choked noises and fumbles his way out of his own jeans, wriggling out of his (Calvin Klein) boxer briefs while slathering his fingers in lube. “Changmin, Changmin,” he repeats helplessly, getting to his knees and spreading the younger mans legs.
“Yunho!” Changmin moans in a long wail, head tilted back against the carpeted floor, hand failing to find any kind of rhythm.
“What are you thinking about?” Yunho pants and slowly rubs a wet circle around Changmin’s entrance. The excited cry that falls into his ears is like music. Gently, he inserts a finger into Changmin, a hand going to his own erection at the feel of the younger man’s tight warmth.
“You, always…uh…you, mm, you know, goddesses, Yunho,” Changmin babbles. He pushes his hips down in an effort for Yunho to go deeper and is rewarded with another finger. “Unngghh…Yunho! In…me…now…death to you…bastard,” He babbles incoherently, seeing stars when the older man curls his fingers inside of him.
“Thinking about me how?” Yunho asks, eyes glazed over at the sight of his lover pumping himself and writhing at Yunho’s touch and moaning and crying out for him—he’s going to develop a case of a severely inflated ego at this rate, he’s sure.
“Fuuuuckkkkk nnnggghhh!” Changmin answers as best he could. “Yunho, now, now! You won’t get me to—” He screams when Yunho inserts a third finger—“-beg you, please, please please hurry up!!”
Yunho doesn’t notice that Changmin just contradicted himself very badly; actually, he probably wouldn’t even notice if the whole room suddenly caught on fire and leprechauns came to transport them to a world of happy rainbow lollipops on fields of marijuana—he just can’t make his brain work.
Sure that Changmin is prepared enough, Yunho removes his fingers, smiling at the unhappy whimper escaping from his lover’s half-parted lips. He quickly coats his own cock with as much lube as his patience would allow and pushes halfway into Changmin before the younger man even realizes what’s happening.
“What the fu-” Changmin gasps abruptly and then brings his forearm to his mouth to muffle a cry of pleasure tinged with pain.
Yunho leans down to flutter kisses into the hollow between Changmin’s neck and shoulder, supporting his own weight on his elbows.
“I’ve missed you, Minnie-ah,” he whispers affectionately before slowly easing himself the rest of the way in, buried to the hilt in scorching heat. All Yunho can do is pant helplessly and chant his lover’s name like a mantra, silently waiting for a sign to continue.
Instinctively, Changmin wraps his arms around Yunho’s neck, hands tangling in the soft spiderweb of Yunho’s hair. “Okay,” he whispers and draws his Leader in for a mushy, girly kiss—he likes those, not that he would admit it so freely—“Okay.”
They both sigh the first time Yunho pulls out and slowly slips in again, but the pace doesn’t last very long. They’re both healthy boys and healthy boys have never had very much patience.
“Goddesses, Yunho!” Changmin moans when Yunho thrusts into him with particular enthusiasm, marvelling at the way this man could fill him.
Yunho no longer has the ability to string words into coherent sentences and settles for calling out Changmin’s name as he moves, so painfully aware of the way Changmin presses kisses to the side of his neck and the way Changmin’s legs are wrapped so tightly around his waist and that it’s just Changmin—Changmin, all around him, clinging, sighing, moving, giving.
“Changmin…Changmin, Changmin,” Yunho’s voice breaths out the name in steadily increasing volume, feeling liquid heat pooling in his lower abdomen. Not to be outdone, he quickly reaches a hand between their bodies and begins stroking and thumbing Changmin’s cock on off beats with his own thrusts.
“Wha-what are you…unnngggghhhh doing!?” Changmin’s voice pitches dangerously, bliss hitting him like a ceramic coffee mug to the face.
“Fucking…you…into the…ground…” Yunho moans and presses down for more contact. He bites and sighs and licks a sensitive spot on Changmin’s shoulder long enough to leave a mark that shows brilliantly the next day, but at the moment, neither of them is lucid enough to notice much of anything.
Somewhere along the way of leaning, the angles of thrusts changes enough that Changmin feels all his breath leave his body in one swoosh. The clenching that occurs all around Yunho is not lost on the older man; he can feel Changmin’s nails digging desperately into his back and registers hurried pleas gasped into his ear.
Not that Changmin really knows anything more than “please” and “harder” and occasionally even “faster.”
But it’s as much convincing as Yunho needs.
With a guttural moan, Yunho puts all his weight on one arm and strokes Changmin desperately, quickly, maintaining a rough speed slipping in and out and he can’t think anymore. He marvels at the way that Changmin’s hips buck against his hard enough to leave bruises, the way Changmin screams, the way Changmin screams his name—and he teeters precariously on the edge.
“Please, Changmin, please, please,” Yunho whimpers hotly, desperately, against his lover’s mouth, swallowing the garbled screams and pleas from the other’s lips.
“Fuck, Changmin!” Yunho screams into the air and Changmin’s mind goes blank save for a repeating thought of fuckthisissoamazing and then he actually looks at Yunho’s face and that’s all it takes.
“Yunho, Yunho! Arrnnnnnggghhkkkkkk…!!” Changmin drawls out as pleasure overrides all sensation within him, black spots exploding in his vision as a white haze settles into his mind. He no longer knows if he is screaming or not after a while because his lungs refuse to cooperate and all he can do is cling, cling onto this man who is too kind, too strong for his sake, too accepting of flaws, this man who he lo-
It’s almost painful the way Changmin tightens around him and if he doesn’t stop, Yunho’s pretty sure he’s either going to die or explode. And then when he hears Changmin moan his name like that and everything is just perfect and he can’t comprehend it, he tips over the edge in a blind fall, crying out silently and coming hard and fast and sealing the deal with one last thrust and one last kiss.
Eventually, both of them resume a sort of wheeze that could pass for breathing, neither finding the strength or desire to move.
“I…that…fucking…” Changmin mutters intelligibly, eyes more than half-closed.
“Mmm,” Yunho agrees in contentment, pulling out slowly with a groan and collapsing next to Changmin. Almost immediately, the younger man struggles onto his side and curls into Yunho’s arms.
Something incredibly soft and warm settles into Yunho’s heart—he doesn’t even realize when his hand floats up to tuck a strand of sweaty hair behind his lover’s ear. He isn’t accustomed to such bold acts of affection but Leader-ssi has begun noticing all of the weird little quirks that burst out of himself when he’s around Changmin.
“Maybe we should not have sex more often because I think I like this,” Yunho muses out loud and flushes the shade of a pomegranate when he hears himself.
He feels Changmin laugh lightly against him, drawing lazy circles on his stomach.
Changmin tilts his head upwards and Yunho almost dies. His eyes are so big and innocent and he can fall in love all over again so easil—
“I love you, Changmin.” The words trip out of Yunho’s mouth and spill into the room before he can catch them. He freezes. It isn’t the first time he’s said those words, but it certainly is the first time he’s said them so point-blank when they’re both completely sober.
Changmin just regards him silently before a smile makes its way onto his face.
“Don’t laugh at me,” Yunho pouts.
“I’m not, I’m not!” Changmin chuckles.
“Just…shut up.”
“Ah, the return of the famous ‘hyung.’”
“Just blame it on those hormones you’re learning about, okay?”
The younger man laughs and looks at Yunho affectionately.
“Okay, but if it makes you feel better, the ‘hormone’ you’re feeling right now makes me do all sorts of illogical things all the time too.”
Yunho blinks in curiosity. “Really?”
“Well, what do you call it?”
Changmin smiles and plants a kiss on Yunho’s nose.
“I call it love.”
It's not my fault I love you, it's yours.
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