Author :
Rating : PG - 13
Summary: He was sick of everything around him, even he had to admit his misery over the way things were going.
Disclaimer : I own nothing. Plot and story belongs to :
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Changmin was sick of everything around him, even he had to admit his misery over the way things were going. Yesterday, he threaded himself into a disagreement with his parents, who complained about his relationship with Yunho and now they couldn’t wait for him to get home only so they could scold him. As if that wasn’t bad enough, later that night he had an argument with his boyfriend, Yunho, that branched into a serious fight. After that Changmin slammed his phone on the bed making sure it was switched off. Changmin lived in a hostel with his room-mate and best friend, Junsu. His house was a two hour drive from the hostel and he drove there every weekend, except this time he reckoned if it would be such a good idea.
The next day when Changmin went to college, it turned out Yunho was ignoring him. Changmin didn’t go up to him and try to talk for the fear he might embarrass himself in front of his friends.
Later he and Junsu were sitting outside in the yard while they revised their notes. Changmin was resting with his back against the pillar and Junsu was sitting in front of him. They hadn’t talked much because Junsu came home late last night from Yoochun’s place.
“Is anything up between you and Yunho?” Junsu asked at one point.
“We had a fight last night on the phone and now he’s ignoring me”
“That’s pretty lame. What are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t know.”
“It would have been bad enough if you had a fight with your family as it is. Now it’s with your boyfriend as well.”
Changmin only sighed.
As he silently sat there, staring down at his fingers, something popped into his mind bolt from the blue and he instantly lit up. Junsu noticed this and shot him a curious look.
“Oh my God, Junsu-hyung, I got an idea.” he excitedly moved closer to Junsu.
“What idea?” Junsu dropped his sheets on his lap.
“I think I’ll go for a drive tomorrow.”
“What about your house?”
“I don’t care about anything. I really, really need to be alone. Can you handle that and not tell anybody where I am?”
Junsu narrowed his eyes.
“Please, please, please hyung~.” Changmin had the most persuasive look.
“Oh, alright” Junsu said after a moment.
“Thank you so much hyung.”
“But will you be OK?”
“Of course. I’m not a kid you know.”
“Just don’t do something foolish otherwise I’m telling on you.”
“I won’t do anything foolish hyung.” Changmin assured him.
Tomorrow was Saturday, when Changmin planned on leaving. After college, he skipped his soccer practices and went to the store. Changmin bought a sleeping bag, six pack, bunch of different kinds of crisps and other stuff for the journey. When he got to the hostel, Junsu was already there, lying on the bed as he fingered the remote.
“Junsu-hyung, was everything OK at the soccer practice?” Changmin asked coming to rest beside him and dumping the paper bags on the side table.
“Coach Kwon was mad because you didn’t show up.” Junsu replied as he surfed through the channels, keeping his gaze fixed on the TV screen.
Changmin nodded not exactly getting the information he wanted. But Junsu knew him well.
“Yunho did notice you were not there but that was it, nothing much”
The Dreamers just started and they happily settled in front of the TV. They opened up one of the crisps packets which didn’t take long to finish.
“That was really good” Junsu said glancing at the name of the packet. “Are there more?”
“Yeah.” Changmin grabbed the paper bag and placed it in between them. By the time the movie ended, so did the contents in the bag.
The alarm rang at five in the morning. Junsu had set it since he was going to his family in Cheongdam-do which was a three hour drive away. They got up and dressed, one by one. Changmin chose to wear a white polo shirt and a pair of jeans. As he budged his feet into his black boots, he felt so light, fresh and free that he couldn’t help laugh.
Junsu smiled. “Take care Changmin-ah, I want to see you cheering like this when I get back.”
Junsu gave him a tight hug before he left.
Changmin grabbed his bag and went down to the car with the roof lowered. He called his mom in case he might just inform her but it was his father who answered it. Their talk got him mad again and Changmin disconnected the phone after yelling at him and him yelling back at Changmin.
An hour later, Changmin was driving down the freeway, already having entered the green side. It was incredible, he was driving at the highest speed, the wind in tucking at his hair and the CD player playing Se7en’s I’m Going Crazy, as he humming along the song. At one point, he hooted with his hand flying above him and he felt so dreamy, moving as fast as the wind.
Two hours had passed and it only felt like as if a few minutes had passed. Changmin was hungry by then, his stomach grumbling. He stopped at the corner. There was a small restaurant ahead. He stepped out of the car, the bright sunlight blazing over him, grazing his body. Changmin had his shades on so that was a relief. The road was empty, except a handful of trucks or cars going by.
Changmin entered the restaurant and the air conditioning kicked in, making him shiver a bit. Changmin bought a prawn combo and decided to eat it in the car. As he leaned against the body of the car facing the other side of road, he heard a sound and was startled. He walked to the side to find an adorable, brown, furry, little dog sitting, it’s beady eyes locked in his direction.
“Hey.” he said softly smiling. “Are you with someone?” he asked as he looked around to find nobody there.
He barked. Changmin knelt down in front of him and ran his fingers over his silky fur. “You adorable little thing!” Changmin grinned. He licked his fingers and barked again.
Changmin laughed. “Will you come with me?”
Another bark and he was at his beck and call. “My name is Changmin, what should I call you?”
Changmin thought about it for a second. “Um, I shall call you Mangdoongie, alright? Now, let’s get going.”
Changmin nodded towards his half left prawn sandwich which he fed him and bought another for himself.
Changmin was so lost in his dream, he hardly realized when day turned to evening and evening turned into night. It was nine o’ clock at night. The sky was so dark, darker than the atmosphere. He was in the country side, his car parked somewhere. He was sitting on the sleeping mat, his back supported by the tree trunk. He was counting the bright, heavenly stars. He had never seen them this clear before and it astounded him. Changmin knew he was gonna remember this night till the end of his life. He stroked Mangdoongie’s head who was sleeping with his head on his lap. Changmin had his jacket on and his cold feet were warmed by Mangdoongie’s fur. As he continued counting the stars, he felt a tinge of sadness. No matter how annoying everybody was, he missed his mom and dad. And he especially missed his Yunho, kind, handsome Yunho who acted stubborn and clumsy sometimes. His vision started to blur and then he had dozed off into a peaceful sleep.
Changmin slightly opened his eyes, unable to recognize the surrounding. He sat up taken aback. He was not where he had nodded off last night. He was in a tent and Mangdoongie was not with him.
“Oh no! Did someone abduct me?” Panic started mounting inside of him. Changmin had noticed only trucks passing last night. And as far as he had heard, drivers were mostly not cooperative. He swallowed the lump in his throat and hastily crawled out of the tent where he was attacked by the harsh sunlight.
“Mangdoongie! Mangdoongie!” He called out. A wave of dizziness passed through him. What was going on? He had a pounding headache and he pressed a hand on his forehead tightly.
Suddenly, somebody grabbed his arms and he screamed as loudly as his throat would allow.
“Changminie, calm down!’”
Changmin whirled around to find Yunho’s face staring at him.
“Yunho-yah!” his mouth was hanging open.
“Where the hell were you going?” Yunho bellowed.
Changmin didn’t think he could handle any more on his already frazzled nerves.
“Changmin, Shim Changmin!” Yunho wrapped his arms around Changmin as he lost consciousness.
Changmin held his head in his hands as he slowly sat up. He rubbed his eyes.
“Are you alright baby?” Yunho’s voice boomed beside him.
“W-what are you doing here?” Changmin looked at him curiously.
“I should be asking that from you.” he replied.
His headache had banished and he was finally able to think straight.
“Yunho-yah, not now. I have to go find Mangdoongie!” Changmin stood up. Yunho wrapped his fingers around his arm.
“Mangdoongie? Who?”
“My dog. He’s brown and furry, please help me find him.” Changmin pleaded.
Yunho led him outside.
“Mangdoongie, where are you?” Changmin called. It was ten minutes later, that he showed up, running towards his outstretched arms, his fur ticking Changmin’s cheeks.
“Where did you go?” Changmin hugged him closer. He may have spent short time with his dog but he was already his best friend.
He barked and his gaze darted over Yunho, who was standing beside him.
“So this is the little devil happens to be your dog. Since when?” he asked Changmin.
“Since yesterday. Hey, where did I leave my car?”
Mangdoongie bobbed his head from the direction he came.
“Changmin, this is enough. You’re coming with me.” Yunho commanded grabbing him.
“Stop it, let me go Yunho-yah!” Changmin struggled to free himself but Yunho’s hold was too strong.
Mangdoongie barked violently. ’Good boy, good Mangdoongie’, Changmin thought.
“Hey” Yunho said to Mangdoongie when he had had complete hold of Changmin. “I know you want him but he’s my boyfriend, buddy.”
Yunho took him to his car where they settled at the back seat.
“I came for a ride with my friends. It was late night when I found you sleeping under a tree with that dog.” Yunho explained patiently.
“I just went for a drive.” Changmin said in his part.
“Just for a drive?” Yunho chuckled. ‘Shim Changmin, are you nuts, just a drive? What were you thinking coming out in the country side all alone, do you have any idea how risky is it? You could have been abducted or robbed, anything could have happened!” Yunho was angry.
Changmin bolted right up. “What do you want me to do? I was sick of everything, it got miserable, I wanted to be alone. Alone from my family and you!”
“Me?” he mocked looking ahead.
“Yes you! All you have been doing is ignoring me. What do you care if I’m out here alone? What does it matter to you if I’m in trouble?”
An awkward silence followed that. Changmin didn’t know what to do so when Mangdoongie appeared, he got out of the car.
“I’ll be going now. See you around.” Changmin said, disheartened as he followed Mangdoongie to his own car.
“Changmin-ah, stop.” he heard Yunho step behind him.
He turned around to face him.
“You can’t go. You have laid exposed to the cold air half of the night. You just lost consciousness mere hours ago. It won’t be safe for you to drive. Come with me.”
Changmin glanced back at Mangdoongie, who had also stopped.
“Changminie, baby, please~” Yunho took Changmin’s hand in his. “I’m sorry about what I did the other day. The truth is, I care about you and I can’t help it if I have to be mad about it. I was frustrated when you didn’t show up for soccer practices and screwed up when I found you like that last night. I can’t afford to lose you.”
For once, Changmin was lost for words. “I guess I didn’t know what I was doing.” he finally managed to blurt out.
Yunho wrapped his fingers on the nape of Changmin’s neck as he covered his mouth with his. Changmin moved closer, reveling in the feeling of his kiss, the way his tongue warmed him all over. Yunho held his waist and pulled him till their bodies were brushing each others.
Mangdoongie began a series of barking and Changmin pulled back enough to laugh. “Huh, that dog.” Yunho said. “Come on, we must get going.”
“But what about my car?” Changmin asked.
“I’ll send somebody to pick it up.” he said.
“Alright. Come on Mangdoongie.” Changmin patted his thighs and he followed them.
“Where did you find him?” Yunho asked glancing back at Mangdoongie, who returned the same skeptical look. This got Yunho to raise a brow while Changmin giggled.
“I met Mangdoongie yesterday on the freeway near the cranky restaurant.” he replied.
“Oh yeah? Did he mess around with my baby?” He pointed his finger at Mangdoongie. Mangdoongie, on the other hand, leapt to bite Yunho’s finger. Luckily, Yunho pulled it back in time.
They got to his car, where Changmin decided to rest in the back. “Does that mean he’s going to sit beside me?” Yunho asked regarding Mangdoongie.
“Yes Yunho-yah, now get in.”
Even Mangdoongie displayed his moody face. “Aww, isn’t he wonderful?” Changmin grinned.
“Sure, wonderfuuul~” Yunho rolled it off. Changmin knew Yunho was kidding so he didn’t mind.
All Changmin’s stuff had already been in the car trunk, it turned out Yunho had shifted them when he was sleeping. Changmin opened his bag and switched on his cell. A gasp escaped his mouth.
“What happened baby?” Yunho asked from the front seat.
“Twenty missed calls. Five from Junsu, and the rest from dad.” He stared at him, his eyes wide with shock.
“Uh-oh, that calls sure a lot.”
“What am I gonna do now?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll tell them I took you off and your phone died.”
“But they would ask about your phone.” Changmin interrupted.
“I’ll tell them I wanted some time alone with you.”
“But that would get you in trouble, and you know my dad.”
“And you out of it. Now, all set?” Yunho winked at him.
Changmin smiled. Everything was back to normal. Lights go on, again. For him.
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