Title: Authentically You
Author :
Pairings: HoMin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Hopeless sap!Yunho in denial. Oh, have I said this is my first HoMin fic ever?
Genre: Fluff
Discalimer : Not mine. Plot and story belongs to
vhii1217 @ http://vhii1217.livejournal.com/9647.html
Summary: Yunho and Raspberry are not being friends with each other.
It’s addiction.
Yunho watched as Changmin moved swiftly across the shooting hall. Hands tucked in both pockets, the younger boy nodded to what the director said, sometimes adding a comment or two. Yunho watched him from the well-polished shoes, tight jeans-clad legs, up to the recently built torso, slender neck, and mouth that seemed to always be chewing something. It’s addiction, the older boy thought almost forlornly, and it can be dangerous.
The leader waited until the last take was done. When he was sure everyone was busy coiling cables and taking down properties, he cornered a confused Changmin behind the settings. A bit abrupt, but addiction should be stopped before it went too far right?
“Changmin,” Yunho said seriously, staring straight at the younger boy’s face. “You’re addicted. Stop it.”
“Huh?” big brown eyes were clueless for a split second before comprehension dawned on him. “You mean this raspberry gum? I thought you meant something important!”
Yunho frowned, still looking all-serious. Of course this was important. The younger boy had not been talking to him since morning, too busy chewing and making fail attempts to produce bubbles. It wasn’t the way Yunho liked it.
“It does no good to your teeth, Changmin-ah,” he tried to reason. I’m not being jealous of raspberry bubblegum. It’s ridiculous, what is there to be jealous of aside of being chewed by those luscious lips--
NO. NO. NO. The mighty U-Know Yunho was absolutely not jealous of raspberry bubblegum.
“But it’s delicious! I even almost succeed in making bubble,” Changmin even demonstrated it, puffing his cheek in attempt to produce gum bubble. Fortunately it popped before Yunho had to think of a way to banish it without involving any mouth contact. The leader quickly swatted the idea aside.
“For the sake of your teeth, Changmin-ah.”
A staring contest commenced, eye-hurting and rather unnecessary, before Changmin gave up with a loud huff. “Fine,” the tall boy accepted with jutted lower lip, bit of gum sticking onto it. “No bubblegum.”
The next day, Changmin still wasn’t talking to him, too busy rolling a raspberry lollipop in his mouth. Yunho groaned. Bad news.
He was officially jealous of raspberry.
Yunho bolted awake rather abruptly at 6 in the morning, lower back protesting but damn if he cared about it.
He heard a moan.
Slapping his own head, he chased the remnant of dream away from his head.
He still heard a moan.
After shaking his head several times, he decided he wasn’t having tinnitus. There was really a moan. Or maybe a groan. Or more likely a loud whine.
Judging the fact that there were only him and Changmin in the apartment, eliminating options wasn’t hard, not even for a person who was still half-caught in Lala Land. A moan slash groan slash whine could only mean that Changmin was in pain or… in pain.
Hastily disentangling himself from the blanket, Yunho grabbed his wallet and cell phone just in case. Stepping out of his bedroom, the leader called out tentatively.
“Changmin? You alright?”
“Mmmh… mmpfhh….!!!”
Yunho quickened his pace, almost stumbling several times across the tiled floor. Reaching the living room entrance, he was met by something right on his face. Something round, shiny, deep pink, and excruciatingly BIG.
That something just popped off.
In front of his nose.
Putting a hand over his chest, Yunho closed his eyes for a moment and heaved a deep breath, “Changmin,” he uttered carefully, “Care to tell me what in the world that thing is?”
His reply was a frowning face. Gum-covered, displeased, frowning face.
“Bubble,” the younger mumbled, ungluing his nose from the sticky substance. “My first time succeeding in making bubbles and I thought I want you to be the first to see it because it’s so awesomely BIG and then… you came and popped it off.”
Yunho blinked the sleep away from his eyes. “… so it’s my fault?”
“Technically speaking, yes.”
“Even though you already promised not to chew bubblegum anymore?”
A pout. “I run out of lollipop.”
“And even though you almost gave me a heart attack so early in the morning?”
Innocent eyes. “I never meant to.”
Yunho wanted to tell Changmin that whining loudly and popping big bubble on people’s faces wasn’t a preferable way to say good morning, but headache beat him before it. Massaging his temple, the leader asked, “Any way to make it up?”
The grin was far too bright. “Bake me raspberry cake.”
Pausing in motion, Yunho steeled himself. “No. No cooking for you. And not raspberry.”
Two evenings later when Yunho excused himself away from the apartment ‘for personal matter’, the younger boy only nodded mutely, pretending to stay agitated.
Yunho must think Changmin hadn’t found ‘Dessert Cookbook for Beginners’ under the older man’s pillow.
Yunho was a man of his words.
Didn’t change the fact that he was currently strolling down an aisle in convenient store, clad in typical camouflage cap and mask, in search of raspberry flavor paste.
Pulling his cap a little lower, he hoped no one noticed him. It was 10 in the evening and their neighborhood wasn’t the type that never slept, so he guessed it was fine. He had gone there a few times in the past and so far still managed to survive without any significant damage.
Finding the flavor paste, Yunho threw two boxes into his cart and began another hunt for whipped cream. He sighed. Changmin hadn’t been speaking to him since the bubblegum incident (which happened only two days before, but was already quite frustrating), so he guessed there was no option but to comply with the younger boy’s whim.
Yunho couldn’t figure out just what is so special about raspberry-flavored food. Not that it truly resembled the taste of the real fruit. It was just artificial kind of flavor which was generally accepted as raspberry, but not quite.
Nodding to the cashier as he paid for the items, Yunho weighed down his choices for a while before deciding not to do it in their apartment. He didn’t need Changmin to grin upon his amateur cooking skill. Nor upon his relenting to the ever-winning maknae.
Leeteuk only raised a curious brow as he opened the door to Yunho’s apologetic face. Briefly summarizing the whole events, Yunho quickly claimed the kitchen and began the war with batter and bowl.
“You can always buy, you know,” Leeteuk commented off-handedly. “More guaranteed.”
Yunho carefully picked his answer, muttering that perhaps a really awful raspberry dessert was needed to stop Changmin’s addiction. However he eyed the recipe book like there was no tomorrow, adding whip cream after sugar after flavor paste after egg yolk into wheat flour base. It was a lie if he didn’t secretly hope the maknae found his cooking fantastic, but judging from the crooked shape of his cake 1.5 hours later, he dared not to hope too much.
If anything, he only wished it would really stop the maknae’s raspberry-craving for good.
“Bought it from 7/11,” the leader muttered on the hallway of their apartment, thrusting the small box of cake into Changmin’s hand without pausing his steps. He didn’t understand why, but somehow he just couldn’t look at the younger boy in the eyes.
“Oh,” Changmin accepted the cake with a sleepy face, barely having energy to tilt his head at Yunho’s unusual upbringing. It was almost 1 in the morning. One ought to have better explanation than buying a cake in convenience store. “No baking yourself?”
Yunho’s face turned redder. “No.”
Lil’ puffing of cheeks. “Why?”
More flustered face. “I said I wouldn’t, right?”
The younger nodded a bit sulkily. Yunho excused himself into his room, not exactly eager to see Changmin’s scrunched-up nose or raised eyebrow upon seeing his disastrous bakery. At least he could still maintain his pride. There was always 7/11 to blame.
The next morning, Yunho found his Dessert Cookbook for Beginners open on the drawer, page presenting Raspberry Chiffon Cake picture and ingredients. Rubbing sleep off of his eyes, he took the book and examined the said page.
On the bottom, a familiar scribble said:
‘The raspberry cake last night was yummy but it was too red! Looked like someone when he’s blushing. Perhaps that’s why it tasted even sweeter. Authentically him~ ^^
P.s.: Yep, I know you’re lying hyung. 7/11 only sells raspberry bubblegum and lollipops :p’
Suppressing a silly grin, Yunho shut the book and shouted out,
“Changmin! Toast with raspberry jam for breakfast?”
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